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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Document by R.E.M.


1. Finest Worksong
2. Welcome To The Occupation
3. Exhuming CcCarthy
4. Disturbance At The Heron House
5. Strange
6. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
7. The One I Love
8. Fireplace
9. Lightnin' Hopkins
10. King Of Birds
11. Oddfellows Local 151
(Also includes a 952x952 album cover .jpeg)

A thumbnail sketch, a jeweler's stone
A mean idea to call my own

Old man, don't lay so still, there's still time to teach

Point-to-point point observation, children carry reservations

Standing on the shoulders of giants leaves me cold

A mean idea to call my own, a hundred million birds fly

"King Of Birds"

Long story short, I'm posting Document because lately, every time I put my iPod on shuffle, one of the first songs that comes up is always "King Of Birds." It's an awesome tune, and I don't mind hearing it over and over, so I've been going back and listening to this album from time to time lately. My dad swears by it as R.E.M.'s best album, and while I'm not sure I agree with that statement, I do really enjoy it and I don't think there's a bad song on the record.

This album really showcases the many faces of R.E.M.. What probably got most people interested in Document was the poppy "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)," but it has a lot more to offer that gets overlooked. That song (I refuse to type the title out again) got me into R.E.M. and I like giving it a spin every now and then, but lately I've been into the darker Stipe songs, like "Oddfellows Local 151" and "Welcome To The Occupation." There's obviously also the middle eastern "King Of Birds" and the booming "The One I Love" as well. Plenty of the band to go around for different tastes on this one.

That's not to say it's not a cohesive peice of work. I definitely think that each song sounds distictively Document, and in the end it all comes together for a nice, evenly paced collection of songs. This one's a quick download, and a short album, you have no excuse for not checking it out.

Click here to download (45. 46 MB)

Buy it!
CD / Vinyl / Digital Copy

1 comment:

  1. "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" is a catchy sing-along song that first got me interested in the music of R.E.M.. Been a fan every since.
